Seafood Week Recipes

Try a new one for each day

Friday 5th October
Memorable Mackerel
Saturday 6th October
Crazy About Crab
Sunday 7th October
Mad About Mussels
Monday 8th October
Fish & Chip Fanatic

Mackerel Fillets in Teriyaki
Sauce with Pak Choi & Chilli

Crab Risotto Cakes

Spiced Coconut Mussels

Healthy Fish & Chips
Tuesday 9th October
Sensational Salmon
Wednesday 10th October
Loving Langoustines
Thursday 11th October
Pick Up Some Plaice
Friday 12th October
Friday Fishcakes

Salmon fishcakes

Prawn Curry

Poached Fillets of Plaice with a
Mushroom and Yoghurt Sauce

Star Fishcake